Stan Bleszynski 18-Feb-2012

Case Diet Health status FBG PPBG FI PPI
1 High Carb Healthy L H N H
2 High Carb Prediabetic N to VL H+ H+ VH
3 High Carb Diabetic H+ VH+ H VH
4 Medium Carb Healthy L H L N
5 Medium Carb Prediabetic N to L H H+ VH
6 Medium Carb Diabetic H+ VH+ H VH
7 Low Carb Healthy N N L L
8 Low Carb Prediabetic N N H- H-
9 Low Carb Diabetic H- H- H- H-

VL very low, dangerous
L Below normal but OK
N Normal
H Above normal but OK
VH Very High, dangerous
+ Rising trend
- Falling trend
FBG Fasting Blood Glucose
PPBG Post-Prandial Blood Glucose
FI Fasting Insulin
PPI Post-Prandial Insulin